EDE Extensive Data Enterprises

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FACT: Brian G. Black was 16 when he first purchased a home computer in 1982, it had 2 kilobytes of memory!

Our Company

In April of 1992, just after Brian finished his associates degree, he was informed by the University staff that the only jobs available in his field were subcontracted.  He opened EDE, a small computer contracting company.  That year he was able to employ himself and four of his fellow alumni at Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan.  Other contracts became available at Ameritech, GM Powertrain, Consumers Energy and United Technologies.  All are very statisfied customers.  Today we use the power of the internet, avoiding cost of insurance and travel to plants.


Our Truths and Principles

We believe the most cost effective way to service your needs is to start by cutting our cost as much as possible.  Take this website for example, it's free, we don't pay the host or even one dollar for a short little dot com.  Why?  Because that cost would be somewhere in your billing.  We don't believe in sending a Homer Simpson to eat jelly donuts in your plant for an hourly wage is a good thing.  We trim the fat starting right here at home.  Our company motto, "There are no problems, only solutions.".